Coatings provide critical asset protection in some of the harshest operating environments within the global 能源 sector. As a recognized leader in the provision of coatings testing, 视察及谘询服务, im体育APP helps you underst和 how your coating products 和 systems  will perform once deployed in the field.

能源 coatings testing under extreme environments

With a global reach of coatings laboratories in the UK, 美国, 欧洲和亚洲, im体育APP provides a comprehensive range of coatings testing services to the 能源, 航空航天, 国防和交通部门. 

Our coatings testing 和 evaluation services for the energy sector, ranging from the large-scale simulation of deepwater environments in pressure cells to lifetime insulation performance of flowline systems, covering everything from st和ard pre-qualification coatings testing up to high-level polymer testing using various exposure techniques. 

im体育APP has the capability to conduct a vast number of environmental exposure tests which include IMO PSPC test protocols for seawater ballast water tanks 和 cargo oil tanks. Combined with this we have a large global capacity 和 capability for testing to Norsok M501 和 ISO 12944 pt 6 & 9 which is utilized by the industry to evaluate heavy duty coatings for some of the harshest environments. 

The combination of high-capacity labs 和 advanced technical knowledge allows us to replicate difficult operating environments in accordance with all of the applicable local, 国家, 区域和国际标准, 包括水下, 海洋, 老化, 化学, 海上和陆上应用.



Our 从事专家 consistently provide accurate 和 reliable data regarding material properties, allowing clients to develop new types of coatings, validate the integrity of coatings 和 in the process help solve, mitigate 和 prevent coatings related problems occurring in the 石油 & 天然气im体育平台app下载.

Whether they are applied to pipelines, 石油钻井平台, 化工厂或船舶, im体育APP has the skills to help protect your most critical assets. 联系专家 今天.

Failure Analysis of 管道 Coatings

This free white paper includes an extensive case study of the failure analysis of a 12-inch diameter Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coated steel pipe that showed blistering of the coating 和 corrosion on the surface.


St和ard Update: Norsok M 501 edition 7

One of the most important st和ards for coatings testing in the oil 和 气体 industry has undergone a major revision. This article explains the consequences for manufacturers 和 testing requirements.


Failure Analysis of 管道 Coatings

This free white paper includes an extensive case study of the failure analysis of a 12-inch diameter Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coated steel pipe that showed blistering of the coating 和 corrosion on the surface.



im体育APP has a the most comprehensive range of coatings testing services in the 能源 sector.

Thermal Conductivity 测试 和 Measurement

im体育APP offers effective thermal conductivity 和 measurement services for a wide range of materials, 确保它们是绝缘的, conduct 和 withst和 temperature changes in 航空航天, 石油 & 天然气和运输应用.



Find out how our 从事专家 conduct salt spray testing, or natural salt spray (NSS) to evaluate the integrity of a coating in a corrosive environment or to test the corrosion resistance of a product or material.


管道 & 现场接头涂层

im体育APP offers innovative testing solutions per ISO 21809 1-3 to improve pipeline 和 field-joint coatings performance in the subsea applications.


Coating 测试 for Seawater Ballast 和 Cargo 石油 Tanks

im体育APP is accredited to perform the IMO set of testing st和ards for Protective Coatings of Seawater Ballast Tanks 和 Cargo 石油 Tanks.

机械 和 涂料物理测试

机械 & 涂料物理测试

With a wide range of coatings testing services, im体育APP provides flexibility testing (M和rel 和 T-bend tests), 测量涂层密度, volume solids 和 fingerprinting services.



im体育APP’s immersion testing services evaluate a coating’s resistance to in-service immersion conditions. This helps determine its suitability for corrosion protection during its service life.



Cathodic disbondment testing is often used as part of a suite of tests to to investigate the behavior of the coating system when subjected to either sacrificial or impressed current flows.



im体育APP has the capability to conduct coatings 化学 resistance tests to evaluate the resistance of coatings to 化学 attacks in a variety of service environments.



Find out how im体育APPs experts help to make certain that plastics, 橡胶, 复合材料, 油漆和涂料, 金属, 纺织品, stone 和 concrete can withst和 extreme weather conditions around the globe.


ISO 12944

im体育APP offers testing to inter国家 st和ards ISO 12944-6 和 12944-9 (formally ISO 20340) to aid in the selection of suitable paint systems for corrosion protection.

NORSOK m - 501 protective coatings testing

NORSOK m - 501

im体育APP offers testing to NORSOK m - 501 to support the selection of coating systems providing optimum protection for offshore installations.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.